Thursday, August 14, 2014


I.                     OBJECTIVES:
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:
a.        Identify things for school.
b.      Enumerate examples of things for school
c.       Make simple sentences about the things for school.
II.                  MATERIALS:  flash cards, book
a.        Things for Schools, Colors and shapes [nouns]
b.        Source:  Let’s go 1, page 4-7
III.                PROCEDURE:
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
A.       Learning Activties
1.        Motivation
How was your weekend?

Why did you say it was great?

That’s good.  What color is your bike?

Do you like your bike very much?

That is really nice. Okay, but are you ready now for our new lesson.

2.       Review
Before we continue, I would like you to tell me what did we study last Friday?

Yes, very good.  You still remember it.

B.       Lesson Proper
Show the flash cards.


What is this?

I would like you to please answer in complete sentences.  Please say:  That is a pair of scissors.

Very good.  One more time please.

How about this, what is this?

Okay.  Yes, these are pencils but how many pencils can you see?

Right, there are many pencils so you have to say:  Those are pencils.  Would you please say it.

Good.  Let’s continue.  Look at the next picture, what is this?

Lined paper pad

Great.  How about this?

Yes, it’s a book.

You did very well.  These things are the things that we use in school.  Do you bring these things in school?

Why do you bring it to school?

Yes, we use it to study and do our activities but please say: I bring these things to school because I use them to study my lessons.

Very good!

What other things do you bring to school?

Very good.  Yes, those are just some of the things you bring to school.

C.      Discussion
Now, open your book on page 6.(Send the link to the student. )

Let’s practice to answer the question:  Is this _____?

First, let’s try to read the question and answer.  Please read after me.

Is this a map?

Yes, it is.

Now, I would like you to make a sentence by completing the sentence: This is _____.  Let us first read the phrases or words on activity A.

1.        A map

-          Is this a map?

2.       A marker

3.       A globe


4.       A table

5.       A board

6.       A wastebasket

7.       A poster

8.       A crayon

That was a perfect one.  Now do you have any questions about our lesson?


Today we finish discussing about the things we use in school.  Now let’s try to practice the sentences that you have been saying.  One more time instead of saying :

-          Scissors, please say:  That is a pair of scissors.

-          That is a pencil., it’s better to say:  Those are pencils.

Because I use it to study. ; you should say:  :  I bring these things to school because I use them to study my lessons.

Alright.  Those are the sentences that you have been making today. 

           It was great.

          My parents bought me a new bike.(the answer varies.


           It’s colored blue. .(the answer varies.

           Yes, I do.

            Yes, I am.

           We studied about how to introduce and greet each other.


         That is a pair of scissors.

            That is a pair of scissors.


         That is a pencil.

            There are many pencils.

            Those are pencils.

           It’s a pad paper.


            It’s a book.


              Yes, I do.

           Because I use it to study.


                   I bring these things to school because I use them to study my lessons.

            I bring my notebook. (the answers would vary.  Some possible answers are: eraser, pencil case, bag, sharpener, ID, etc.)

Is this a map?
          Yes, it is.

            This is a map.

            This is a marker.

            This is a globe.

           This a table.

           This a board.

           This is a wastebasket.

          This a poster.

            This is a crayon.

             No, I don’t have./ None.

           That is a pair of scissors.

            Those are pencils.

           I bring these things to school because I use them to study my lessons.

IV.                EVALUATION:
Now let’s have a short quiz.  I would like you to make a sentence using colors to say something about the things you use in school.  Make 5 sentences using the following words:
a.        Notebook
b.      Pencil case
c.       Eraser
d.      Crayon
e.      marker

  I have a pink bag.
  This is my pink bag.
A.       Notebook  : ____________________________________________________
B.       Pencil case: ____________________________________________________
C.      Eraser          : ____________________________________________________
D.      Crayon        : ____________________________________________________
E.       Marker        : ____________________________________________________

V.                  HOMEWORK:
  Read , study and prepare for activities C and d on page 7 and activities A and B on page 9. 

-           Prepared by ANABELLE KO ALINSO